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Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness

The words “health” and “wellness” are frequently used interchangeably. These are two distinct notions with distinctly different meanings, even though it is impossible to have just one without the other.
WHO describes health as “a condition of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not only the absence of disease or infirmity (illness).”
Wellness is referred to as “a good approach to living” and is defined by the WHO as “the optimal condition of health of individuals and groups.”
The main distinction between health and wellness is that while health is the end objective, wellness is the proactive process of getting there. Without initially obtaining wellness, you cannot truly have health. Overall health, which is crucial for leading a vigorous, contented life, is directly impacted by wellness.

Health versus wellness

While the state of your health cannot be deliberately chosen, you may actively select wellness by leading a responsible life and taking care of your well-being.

  • A diagnosis of a sickness or illness, a propensity for a disease, and any unforeseen injuries are all considered to be aspects of health.
  • In order to achieve your utmost health and well-being, wellness is an active process of growth and change. It is linked to taking part in activities, making decisions about one's lifestyle, reducing risk factors that can hurt one, putting an emphasis on nutrition, eating a balanced diet, and adhering to spiritual practices that promote holistic health.

Risk factors are behaviors or circumstances that raise a person’s risk of disease or harm. Following are some risk factors that may be detrimental to health:

  • Smoking: It raises the risk of cardiovascular and lung disorders.
  • Alcohol consumption: It can lead to cancer, heart disease, stroke, and liver damage.
  • Unprotected sex: This practice distributes sexually transmitted diseases like the HIV virus (HIV).
  • Intense physical exertion/sports: They can result in fractures and other injuries.

How many dimensions of wellness are there?

A holistic and multidimensional concept, wellness encompasses more than just physical health. Physical, intellectual, emotional, environmental, social, and spiritual wellness are among the six components that make up this dimension.

1. Physical: Being physically fit improves wellness because it gives a person a better chance to stay healthy and ward off ailments. Invigorating physical and mental wellness is exercise. By engaging in more physical exercise on a daily basis, such as walking, cycling, walking the dog, using the stairs, and trekking, one can avoid leading a sedentary lifestyle. A person’s physical fitness is promoted by having appropriate nutrition, eating a balanced diet, drinking enough water (eight glasses per day), and getting enough sleep.

2. Mental: Learning, problem-solving, and creativity engage the mind, improve intellectual wellness, and foster a more positive outlook. Learning new things and pushing one’s thinking can help people stay mentally healthy.

3. Emotional: A person who has emotional wellness can handle challenging circumstances. An individual with emotional wellness is one who is self-aware, has high self-esteem, and exhibits sensitivity for others’ feelings.

4. Environmental: Maintaining and living in a healthy physical environment free of risks and being aware of the part we play in enhancing rather than demeaning our natural environment promote wellness.

5. Social: A person’s social networks and support systems are crucial to their general wellness. A person is kept happier and healthier by relating to, engaging with, and contributing to their community, developing positive interpersonal relationships, and upholding enduring ties with family and friends.

6. Spiritual: The search for life’s meaning and purpose rather than a person’s religion or level of faith is what is meant by spiritual wellness. Spiritual wellness is aided by learning to be compassionate, caring, forgiving, and having a purpose in life. You can do this by meditating, giving back to the community, being outside, etc.

On the one hand, sick patients seek the assistance of the medical community for sickness treatment. On the other hand, persons who are proactive about preventive optimize their vitality. People adopt practices that increase their quality of life and sense of wellbeing while also promoting good health and preventing sickness. Wellness is proactive, preventive, and motivated by personal accountability for leading healthy lives.

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16, Afisuru Street, Ajuwon,
Ogun State, Nigeria


Mon – Fri 7:30:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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