admin@whitelilyschool.com +447535648939, 07061777723, 07048610674

White Lily High School

White Lily High School is passionately committed to raising giant global leaders who will transform the history of our world from where it is to where God whats it to be with particular focus on Nigeria and the continent of Africa. We at White Lily High School believe we are change agents with divine assignment and mandate from God to bring positive change to our nation and continent with an ultimate strong view of making our world a better and safer place for all.

Join us on this mission. We are the world, we are the children, we are the once to make a brighter day, so lets start giving….

Mission Statement

Our mission at White Lily High School is to develop the unique abilities and potentials of each child by offering an enriched educational program, we strive for excellence through a hand-on approach, rich traditions rooted in our innovative curriculum, grow productive, caring and intellectually curious citizens.

Vision Statement

We at White Lily High School follow a child centered educational approach. We make sure it is based on scientific observation from birth to adulthood. We believe that a child is naturally curious and is of initiating learning in a supportive and thoughtfully prepared environment.

Core Values

White Lily High School symbolizes:
1. Purity
2. Virginity
3. Modesty
4. Majesty and
5. Honesty

Begin your journey right now.

Applications are now open all round year

Remember that your children’s future is right in front of them. Assist them in making the best decision today

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I pledge to White Lily. My great and quality school. To be a good ambassador, Loyal and strong at all times. And to answer the call of duty whenever made, so help me God
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